Fortunately, we’re an evening dinner family, not an afternoon Thanksgiving family.
Apple Pie
As I start this post, I’ve been working on an apple pie. I’ve been using the Kenji easy pie crust recipe. Although experts seem to agree that Granny Smiths are not the best for pie, that’s what I use. Someday we may do an actual experiment to test alternatives. I used to just put the apples in the pie raw, but I’ve started pre-sauteeing them in the hope of reducing the tendency to get an empty dome under the top crust.
Into the oven around noon. Just in time to turn on the Ags vs Gonzaga in basketball from the Bahamas.
Cornbread dressing
This is where googling for recipes should really be done ahead of time. I had decided not to do oysters, but there are some nice sounding recipes that use things like sausage and apples. But I used all the apples in the pie and didn’t have sausage. And the store was completely out of sage. And the last bag of cornbread croutons is preseasoned with who knows what. But I improvised by sauteeing in butter and oil:
- Mushrooms
- Cajun trinity: Onion, Celery, and Green Bell Pepper + garlic
I added my own dried parsley, oregano, thyme., and a dash of chili flakes Tossed with the cornbread mix. Moistened with stock with butter melted into it.
At this point the Ags and Zags are playing a very close second half.
Into a 350 F oven for about half an hour.
Cranberry Orange Relish
This is one of the easiest recipes ever. Checking the internet, there are lots of variations.
- I bag cranberries
- 1 or 2 unpeeled oranges, cut into segments. You want the peel.
- 0.5 c sucrose. Many recipes use more than that, but we like it tart.
- ~0.5 c pecans
Leftover relish is good on vanilla ice cream, btw.
More coming…