Debby found this post from Dave Arnold that resembles what I discussed in the last post. Shorter version: I’m probably wrong about the ice being close enough to thermal equilibrium for government work, but the explanation of what is going on isn’t quite the way I recall Weitz explaining it. And my old Intro Bio […]
Author Archives: jimhu
On the physical chemistry of ice cream and margaritas
When I was an undergrad at Stanford, senior biology majors were recruited to be TAs in the freshman biology class. I signed on for this and my first teaching experience at the undergraduate level involved attending lectures and leading discussion sections. In one lecture, the prof talked to the class about why salt is added […]
Not the usual meaning of “bell the cat”
This is the best internet video I've ever seen — Dorsey Shaw (@dorseyshaw) March 30, 2017 Via @phylogenomics
RIP MagSafe power
I just got a new Slate Gray 13″ MacBook Pro with the touch bar. Overall I’m sure I’m going to like it just fine, but I have to say this: Dear Tim Cook, The MagSafe power connector was probably one of the best things you ever did for laptops… and it’s really annoying that you’ve killed […]
GMO tech makes the Impossible Burger possible
… or at least economically practical. Earlier this week I noticed a retweet of this event in my twitter feed: so much fun being at groundbreaking for @ImpossibleFoods 1,000,000 lbs/mo burger factory in Oakland — Michael Eisen (@SenatorPhD) March 23, 2017 Coincidentally, someone else posted this video about the Impossible Burger (which I hadn’t […]
Butternut squash ravioli
One of the things I wanted in our new kitchen island was enough of a counter overhang to stably clamp our hand crank pasta machine so I could try making fresh pasta. This is actually the second attempt – the first was used for making Carbonara, and it worked pretty well despite some improvisational changes […]
Sous Vide circulator setups
The last post about making lemon curd shows my two immersion circulators, an original, no-longer available at US voltage, Classic Nomiku and an Anova Precision Cooker (bluetooth only). I’ve had the Nomiku a since Thanksgiving 2013, while I got the Anova about a year later as part of their Kickstarter release (I went in with […]
Remodeling 2016 – Framing and closing up the exterior
More very belated remodeling pictures: Framing started with the floor at the beginning of June Walls up by June 7 Roof beam up June 9 The roof on: June 12
Sous vide lemon curd again
About a year ago, I posted a mistake where I made lemon curd without butter. Since then, I made some with butter, but forgot to blog about it. Since I’m procrastinating some paper grading, I thought I’d try it again today. We also have some lemons that need to be used. Here’s what I did last […]
Remodeling 2016 – Pier and beam
The next step was to do the pier and beam foundation for the new laundry room. This started by drilling holes and pouring concrete around rebar to make the piers that support the whole thing. This is supposed to be better for our expansive clay soil than just putting down a slab that would shift […]